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Sr Evelyn Woodward, Gifted and Wise

There is an echo in the harmonies of nature, which penetrates the soul, and lures it on like the sound of distant music, until it has no ear or eye for aught except the works of the Creator.

So wrote our founding father, Julian Tenison Woods in August 1879. j Loud and clear that echo sounded on 21st November as we gathered at Christ the King Church, Mayfield to celebrate the passing of Sr Evelyn Woodward whose life sang a symphony of loving service for almost 90 years.

A large gathering of Sisters, friends, and family joined with the celebrants, Fathers Bill Burston, Geoff Mulhearn, Greg Arnold and Bob Searle to remember and cherish so many movements of shared music over those long decades.

Already predeceased by her parents, Tracey and Gwen and sister Margaret, Evelyn was dearly loved by younger siblings, Dorothy and Judith.  Together they stood while Dorothy shared an account of the extraordinary breadth of their big sister’s life.  From bossy childhood to Congregational Leader, from caring teacher to devoted Counsellor, Advisor to Bishops and Consultant to the Army, Evelyn’s CV ranged worldwide in its reach.

No doubt, each one present could add their own chapter to their personal encounter with Evelyn.  Her personal life mirrored the richness of her public one – love of learning from earliest school days to Doctorate of the Catholic University, poetry, psychology, music, gardening, knitting – so many fields were grounds for her ever inquiring mind and those she shared it with will relish it always.

All of this was reflected in the music and readings that accompanied the liturgy, so well reflecting Evelyn giftedness.

Holy Wisdom, Lamp of Learning, bless the light that reason lends.
Teach us judgment as we kindle sparks of thought your Spirit sends

No doubt Evelyn had learnt How rich are the depths of God

Those long years had certainly taught her much but most of all they taught her love. As her final years brought diminishment, she continually spoke of love to all who cared for her and who miss her gracious presence.  May she rest now in the love of that God of Wisdom who has been with her through those ninety years.

Following the Mass, the sharing of memories continued at the Hexham Bowling Club and then the burial was in the Sisters section of the Lochinvar Cemetery.

Sr Ellen Royan rsj