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The Season of Creation 2024 is Here

Each year the turning of the page to September 1st heralds the coming of Spring when our land everywhere bursts forth with the beauty of our golden wattle.  That date also ushers in the Season of Creation when Christians around the world come together to praise and thank God for the wonders of Creation.  In addition, Christians and all people of goodwill are encouraged during this month to reflect on the destructive forces endangering our Sister, Mother Earth (St Francis of Assisi) and to respond actively to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.  (Laudato Si on Care for our Common Home).

The theme for this year’s Season of Creation is Hope and Act with Creation.  Its symbol of the Spirit and of many hands upholding creation is inspired by the text from Romans (8: 19-25): the first fruits of hope.

The biblical image depicting the Earth as a mother groaning as if giving birth can be applied to the way Creation is groaning today because of the selfish actions of us human beings.  Such actions include the exploitation of Earth’s finite resources, climate crises, biodiversity loss and the resulting suffering of creatures of all kinds, both animal and human.

In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis said,“to hope and act with creation, means above all to join forces and to walk together with all men and women of good will. In this way, we can help to rethink, “among other things, the question of human power, its meaning and its limits. Our power has frenetically increased in a few decades. We have made impressive and awesome technological advances, yet we have not realized that at the same time we have turned into highly dangerous beings, capable of threatening the lives of many beings and our own survival” (Laudate Deum, 28).

Another voice raised to alert the world to our current situation is that of Very Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury who said, In the face of the climate crisis, protecting God’s Creation is a spiritual imperative for Christians throughout the global Church. The Season of Creation has inspired us to come together in prayer and action – to safeguard, sustain and renew the life of the Earth.

Follow this link to see one of the many resources that are available to help us celebrate this season.

The website, Catholic Earthcare Australia, also has much to offer parishes and schools including a Season of Creation Prayer Service.

Loving and Creator God, we pray that you will make us sensitive to these groans and enable us to have the same compassion as that of Jesus, the redeeming Lord. Grant us a fresh vision of our relationship with Earth, and with one another, as creatures that are made in your image. In the name of the one who came to proclaim the good news to all Creation, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer from the Season of Creation website