Wherever you go in the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle whether it be to a parish church or school, you will see examples of beautiful art created by Sr Dorothy Woodward, a Sister of St Joseph of Lochinvar.
It may be the graphics on a Mass booklet or the design of the stained glass windows in the church. It may be the banner in the school foyer or the hand painted cross in a classroom that expresses the school’s history and location. They will all bear the distinctive style that marks Sr Dorothy’s artwork.
Sister Dorothy Woodward initially was a Secondary School teacher of Religion, French and History before becoming a member of the Religious Education team at the Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese Maitland-Newcastle. In all Sr Dorothy has spent thirty-three years in education.
For Sr Dorothy, art and life have always been inseparable. Liturgical art in particular has led her to express ideas through symbols and to experiment with universal as well as Australian images in both fine line drawings and vibrant colour paintings.
Most of Sr Dorothy’s work is in response to a wide range of requests from schools, parishes, hospitals, Aged Care Facilities, various other organisations as well as individuals. These requests come from around Australia.
They include hand painted crosses and other symbols for sacred spaces in schools; leadlight window designs for schools and churches, including Anglican and Uniting churches; paschal candle designs, banners, logos and school crests, CD covers, illustrations for poems and stories and several publications.
In today’s world where information as well as values are transmitted visually, Sr Dorothy sees her work as a way of enhancing liturgies, promoting Christian values and supporting the ministry of others.
Click here for more of Sr Dorothy’s artworks