From the early days of the Congregation, the Sisters sought to bring “God’s saving love to the poor especially in isolated rural areas … primarily through the ministry of Christian education.”
As Sisters established primary and secondary schools in many parishes, the teaching of music provided opportunities for children to develop their musical skills and for Sisters to exercise ecumenical outreach.
While many Sisters are now retired, for some, education has remained the focus of their ministry with an emphasis on adult faith formation, tertiary education, and on continuing support and encouragement for staff and students of our Josephite schools.
The Tenison Woods Education Centre (TWEC) was a major provider of Adult Faith Formation in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle from the early 1990s until its closure in 2017. Then, like so many of our ministries that were started by the Congregation, it was handed to our Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.
Our Constitutions: A Future and A Hope, 2000