Through baptism all Christians are called to share in the mission of Jesus. By our religious profession we publicly commit ourselves to that mission: to proclaim and witness to God’s love and presence in the world by our way of life and apostolic service. In this we are supported and energised by our life in community and our commitment to prayer.
Our founders, Fr Julian Tenison Woods and St Mary MacKillop were inspired by the Holy Spirit to seek ways by which God’s saving love might be brought to the poor, especially those in isolated rural areas.
They responded by serving the poor primarily through the ministry of Christian education and support for families.
In keeping with our Josephite tradition, our mission today is expressed in ministries to the deprived, degraded and disadvantaged in whatever circumstances of life they may be.
We aim to empower those who have few choices to claim their dignity and to assume responsibility for their own lives.
We strive, both personally and corporately, to promote Christian social justice and the stewardship of creation.
Our Constitutions: A Future and A Hope, 2000
Our current Mission Statement expresses well our calling –
Sisters of St Joseph, Lochinvar, stand for the Gospel. We choose and cherish life.
The spirit of the Institute requires that Sisters never see any evil without trying to remedy it; and this will lead to many undertakings requiring great zeal and a humble confidence in God.
J Tenison Woods 1870