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Soft Plastics include Biscuit packaging (not including trays) Bread bags Bubble wrap Cereal box liners Confectionary packets and bags Fresh produce bags, incl. string bags Frozen food ba…
Josephites Launch Laudato Si’ Campaign on Soft Plastics Sr Mary-Ann Casanova who is leading the campaign writes about the next stage of the Josephite Laudato Si Action Plan entitled Explore Embrac…
My siblings and I grew up in a rather isolated part of this country on the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range. On one side of our place flowed the Macleay River, in “a very old valley that wea…
We have all been aware of media reports in recent weeks about the failure of REDcycle, the company charged with the collection of soft plastic from Coles and Woolworths, to find manufacturers to turn …
Sister Mary Bell, or Martina as she was best known, was a woman on a mission who went about life with a purpose. Whatever the task, she would carry it out in an orderly and business-like fashion. This…
On 28 November 2022 the chapel at Lochinvar overflowed with people who came to pray for and celebrate the life and ministry of our much-loved Josephite sister, Lynette Pearce who had died suddenly and…